Theatre of war 2 kursk 1943

Real name: RinRin: Homepage: destroyermap imgsrc ru: Joined on: 2006-03-17: User info: "Those who find ugly meanings in beautiful things are corrupt without being charming. By popular request we smoothed out some rough spots in our recent Shock Force 2 release. With this patch there's significant improvements to Marine and Canadian uniforms, a few mismatched weapons cleared up, issues with the Marines Campaign fixed, and another dozen useful improvements. The European theatre of World War II, also known as the Second European War, was a huge area of heavy fighting across Europe, from Germany's invasion of Poland on 1 September 1939 until the end of the war with the Soviet Union conquering most of Eastern Europe along with the German unconditional surrender on 8 May 1945 (Victory in Europe. February 16, 1944 - Germans counter-attack against the Anzio beachhead. March 4, 1944 - Soviet troops begin an offensive on the Belorussian front; First major daylight bombing raid on Berlin by the Allies. The South West Pacific theatre, during World War II, was a major theatre of the war between the Allies and the Axis.It included the Philippines, the Dutch East Indies (except for Sumatra), Borneo, Australia and its mandate Territory of New Guinea (including the Bismarck Archipelago) and the western part of the Solomon Islands. CHANCE TO OWN AN ORIGINAL AFFORDABLE GERMAN TIGER TANK BATTLEFIELD RELIC ! WWII Battlefield Dug Panzer "TIGER" Pz.Kpfw VI TANK Commanders Cupola VISION VIEW ARMOR GLASS BLOCK OPTIC Thick Layered GLASS ( Recovered Siegfreid Line-Aachen ) Cross- Collectible as these were mfg. in NAZI FORCED LABOR CAMPS in Poland at the SIGLA Glass Factory for PANZER and LUFTWAFFE.